
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Common Symptoms Experienced By A GERD Patient

Worst Symptoms of Acid Reflux Disease

Acid reflux disease is a condition which is common to elder people, overweight, and those with unhealthy and stressful lifestyle. The symptoms of acid reflux disease at first serves as warning signs, but later on it aggravates to its severe form and would need intensive intervention.

Gastroesophageal Regurgitation Disease (GERD) is the severe form of acid reflux disorder, and this is manifested by heart burn, which can be felt due to the acid that comes back to the esophagus from the stomach. There are certain reasons why this is happening and one of this is the weakening of the esophageal sphincter muscle which can later on lead to esophageal cancer.

Common symptoms experienced by people suffering from GERD are:

  • chest or stomach discomfort which can be described as a burning sensation.
  • dyspepsia which happens after eating, bending down, or lying down flat.
  • chest and stomach pain after consuming a large heavy meal or foods that are high in fat content and beverages with alcohol content.
  • burping, this is known as a hallmark sign of acid reflux. There are also nausea and feeling of being bloat in the stomach.
  • coughing, difficulty of breathing and swallowing can also appear on worst cases.

There are other serious symptoms of acid reflux disease which the person needs to seek immediate medical assistance. Severe GERD can lead to stricture of esophagus that results to difficulty in swallowing and spasm which can actually impede the breathing pattern. Continues regurgitation in the throat or mouth of beverages and food can be a sign of a dangerous stage of acid reflux. This can actually develop distaste to food, eroding enamel, and bad breath if left untreated. It can eventually lead to permanent digestive damage which later on develops to cancer.

Gastroesophageal Regurgitation Disease is a serious case that needs proper treatment. Although the less serious form of acid reflux disease would only require lifestyle and dietary modification, it is necessary to keep an eye on the symptoms and follow the regimen religiously. The symptoms may be simple at first but it can be a start of something worse. Once you feel the burning sensation which is known as heartburn, you need to consult your doctor immediately so that further test may be done and proper treatment may be given.

There are some diseases that have similar symptoms to GERD, this is one reason why to seek medical advice is necessary. Symptoms of acid reflux disease may be different from one person to another. The important thing is to be aware of these symptoms and act on its early stage. Do not wait until you have come to the point of no cure, and the sufferings are terrible enough to be relieved by any medications.

Lowering The Possibility Of Having An Acid Reflux

Reducing Acid Reflux Symptoms

Acid reflux is experienced by about 40% of all Americans. This is somehow a common occurrence. This is characterized by a feeling of burning acid going up to your mouth. This is a very uncomfortable sensation that is actually suffered by many. Many people want to get rid of this uncomfortable feeling. Many believe that they will just have to endure this condition when actually there are also ways on how to limit the occurrence of acid reflux symptoms. Some lifestyle changes may be necessary in order to decrease the symptoms presented.
  • Adjusting your diet and eating habits could prevent acid reflux. You should eat small frequent meals. This makes it easier for digestive tract to work on it. Chew the food properly and slowly. You should be able to enjoy every bite that you take. You would know that it is time to stop eating when you have are not feeling hungry anymore. Overeating should be avoided at all time. This can result to indigestion and lead to acid reflux. Greasy and spicy foods are among the most common food items to cause reflux. Once you know the personal triggers for this occurrence, make sure to limit your intake of these foods.
  • Changing your drink choices also greatly affects the occurrence of acid reflux. Water consumptions should always be in liberation. Drinks such as wine, beer and carbonated beverages increase acid concentration and make them rise, this can lead to increased chances of experiencing reflux. Orange and tomato juice could also cause this discomfort along with other acidic drinks and caffeinated drinks. Alcohol is tolerated as long as it is consumed in moderation. This drink slows down the process of digestion leading to further acid reflux.
  • Your body position could also contribute to reflux. Always make sure that your head is elevated to decrease this occurrence. After eating a meal, always remember to remain upright. Lying down while watching TV or sleeping directly after a meal should be avoided at all times. The time for digestion usually takes up to 3 hours so you should wait for about that time before sleeping. You could also make sure that your head is elevated by 6 inches to reduce the symptoms. This will makes sure the stomach acid will not go into the throat.
  • There are a lot of food and drinks that you could take to lessen or decrease acid reflux. Some examples of these types of food and drinks are: red apples, bananas, pineapple juice, honey and also vinegar mixed in an eight ounce glass of water. You could also use baking soda dissolved in an eight ounce glass in order to decrease acid reflux symptoms.

Acid Reflux Diet - The Easy Way

Proper Acid Reflux Diet

Many people suffer the symptoms of acid reflux without complain. It is actually a common condition experienced by about 40% of the American population. This is a great number when you consider those that are affected. This is usually characterized by an uncomfortable sensation of acid rising up to the mouth. This is also sometimes painful as experienced by others. This is caused by the increase in acid production by the stomach moving up to the lining of the esophagus where it can cause considerable damage. In truth, a proper acid reflux diet could decrease the symptoms.

There are actually foods that could decrease the occurrence of these symptoms, however, there is just a lot of misinformation to the public. Changes in the diet are essential in reducing this condition. Simple transitions are enough to decrease the burden of acid reflux. Here are some ways on how to deal with this through diet change.
  • Many people believe that milk can fix the acid problem in the stomach. Actually, it can only help temporarily. In the long run it even increases the production of acid in the stomach. If you prefer to drink milk just make sure you eat a small meal to go with it. Pick a meal with complex carbohydrates in it.
  • It is true that acid reflux has “trigger foods”. This varies from person to person. However, there are common food items that have been found to be triggers. Acidic substances such as spicy foods, coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks and citrus drinks should be avoided at all times. Foods that are high in fat also increase acid production. Meals from fast foods are loaded with fat, so it should also be avoided.
  • Avoid eating large meals. It is recommended to have small frequent throughout the day. An increase in intake would also increase acid productions increasing the intensity of the reflux if it happens.
  • An ideal diet for those suffering acid reflux is just the same as any healthy diet. It should contain lean meat found in chicken and fish and lots of green leafy vegetables. This is a great meal choice to decrease reflux symptoms. Food items that are easy to digest should also be included in your meal plan. Those containing complex carbohydrates are recommended like pasta, rice and bread.
Following the proper acid reflux diet is not so hard. It only means sticking to a well balanced meal with healthy food choices. Avoiding trigger foods and adding healthier alternatives to the ones you usually eat is key. Many people experience the same condition as you do, so do not ever feel that you are alone in this battle against acid reflux.

5 Anti Acid Medicine - Basic Way

Five Basic Acid Reflux Medicine

Suffering from Gastroesophageal Regurgitation Disease (GERD) is very annoying and restricting. It is considered as a chronic illness that is precipitated by high fat content foods, alcoholic and sodas beverages and eating large full meals. A person, who is diagnosed with GERD or otherwise known as acid reflux, will have symptoms like heartburn and regurgitation due to the influx of acid to the esophagus which causes damage. There are people who become reliable to acid reflux medicine to avoid these symptoms.

For those who are going through this condition, a diet modification and lifestyle changes can actually help keep the symptoms away temporarily. They can avoid foods that trigger the symptoms, stop smoking, or lose some weight. But for those who constantly go through the pain and the burning sensation severely, your doctor can recommend either of the following medications.


These are over-the-counter drugs with popular brand names of Tums, Maalox and Mylanta. Its action is to provide fast acting relief by neutralizing the acid in the stomach. There are antacids that come in liquid form to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach. Most people took this for short relief after intake of foods that trigger the symptoms. Users should be aware that overuse of this drug can lead to adverse effects like constipation and diarrhea. Worst cases would lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

Oral suspensions

These are usually short acting medications that act to coat the lining of the esophagus to treat heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, and ulcers. The most popular brand is Carafate.

Anti- flatulence

These drugs can relieve pressure, bloating, and gas that accumulate in the digestive tract due to heartburn. This is also an over-the-counter drug which is on a tablet form. Familiar brands are Gas-X and Phazyme.


At sometime, these medications require prescription, but now Pepcid and Zantac can be bought over –the-counter. They are used for mild reflux and can relieve the symptoms by preventing acid production in the stomach. They act late compared to the prior medicines discussed but the effect is prolonged. This should be taken thirty minutes before meal, to reach its optimum effect.

Proton pump inhibitor

Medications such as Prevaid and Nexium basically stop acid production and at the same time provide healing to the damaged esophageal tissues. This is commonly taken by people suffering from severe symptoms. This is by far the safest and most effective treatment for GERD and other digestive problems.

People should take note of their condition especially the occurrence of symptoms. The worst case of GERD is when the esophagus narrows, and there will be difficulty of swallowing or on the long run can cause cancer. Acid Reflux medicine should be taken according to the doctor’s advice. This is to assure effectiveness and prevention of symptoms recurrence.

Prevent Acid Reflux Doing Right Diet Everyday

Diet for Acid Reflux – What and What’s not to Avoid

It is indeed a nuisance to suffer from a Gastroesphageal Regurgitation Disease. This kind of disease can cause heartburn especially when you eat foods that should be avoided. There is definitely certain diet for acid reflux which you need to take note in order to avoid any attacks or worsening of the symptoms.

First thing to do is prevent eating large meals a day. It is best to eat small but frequently. This will give your stomach all the time it needs to digest the food properly without producing too much acid. This lessens the workload it carries. In your meal plan, always include foods that have high carbohydrate content such as rice, pasta, multi-grain or white bread, bran, crackers, pretzels and many more. These rich in carbohydrate foods bind acid in the stomach and are lighter to work on. It is also necessary to remain in an upright position after eating. During sleep, it is also proper to elevate the head of the bed approximately six to eight inches when assuming a lying position.

Second thing to remember is to avoid meals that have high fat content. Examples of this are foods that are fried and oily. These should be avoided because foods that are fat containing are hard to digest, therefore the stomach would need more acid to digest them. It is also necessary to limit intake of beverages such as alcohol and sodas. They double up acid secretions in the stomach making you more susceptible to acid reflux disease. And above all do not eat too much, because this will trigger your stomach to secrete more acid to compensate on the digestion process.

Among the many foods and beverages to avoid and should only be consumed, there are also some beliefs that are wrong or proven null by research. One of these is the thought that a glass of milk before sleep can actually lessen GERD symptoms. The truth is milk can cause a rebound effect that can encourage secretion of more acid, therefore causing acid reflux. The key is to eat less during dinner and take a small snack like biscuits before retiring at night.

Another belief that had been practiced for years is that, spicy, citrus and caffeine containing beverages should be avoided in order to decrease acid reflux symptoms. According to the research made by Internal Medicine doctors of Stanford University, there are only two means of reducing symptoms, and these are elevating head of bed while asleep and eating small and frequent meal.

If you are suffering from this chronic condition, you have to update on your special diet for acid reflux list. Despite the fact that there are common foods, you also need to take note of the foods and beverages that can aggravate the symptoms. It is good to have a food diary in order to keep track of the dos and don’ts. It will develop discipline and assurance that acid is produced in minimum at your stomach.

Common Symptoms Of Acid Reflux

Common Acid Reflux Disease Symptoms

One of the most common acid reflux disease symptoms is heartburn. Relevantly, it is known as having a burning feeling in the stomach which radiates in the throat and chest area. Most of the time it occurs to people diagnosed with GERD when: they had heavy meal, lie down flat on their back, lift heavy objects, or bend over. Patients are most likely to suffer this symptom at night than in other time, it was also causing them greater pain when the attacks happen at night than in day time.

Although heartburn is the most common symptom, it is not the most dangerous since it doesn’t create any major damage to the esophagus lining. Aside from this, there are also other common symptoms such as dyspepsia and regurgitation.

Dyspepsia - is a syndrome where there is a feeling of fullness in the stomach, upper quadrant pain, and nausea right after meal. It is possible though that people may suffer from dyspepsia even when they do not have GERD.

Regurgitation is a symptom of GERD which is characterized by a sensation of acid in the throat. There is a possibility of “wet burp” which is an occurrence when acid regurgitate as far as the mouth. It is on rare occasion though that sufferer vomit the acid.

Other than heartburn, dyspepsia and regurgitation, there are other less common symptoms that can be present in acid reflux disease and these are: chest pains and some throat conditions.
Chest pain is a feeling of having a food trapped on the breastbone. This is how a GERD chest pain feels like which is different from an angina or heart attack.

Throat conditions vary but are symptoms that are less likely to be experienced in GERD cases. Acid laryngitis is a condition which has presentation of hoarseness, a feeling of lump area in the throat, and dry cough. Dysphagia on the other hand means trouble in swallowing. This can cause spasm that causes the esophagus to narrow. Chronic sore throat and constant hiccups can also be considered as symptoms of GERD.

Some respiratory symptom such as coughing and wheezing can actually be caused by GERD. A study had shown that GERD can actually cause chronic cough in severe cases. Persistent nausea and vomiting can be attributed as a symptom of GERD.

Acid reflux disease symptoms vary from one case to another. Some may not suffer any common symptoms but would have evidence of some less common symptoms. It is very important to visit a specialist if there are constant occurrences of symptoms. This is to prevent worsening the situation, and give proper medication and diet and lifestyle modification to avoid recurrence of symptoms. It is easier to deal with GERD in its early stage.

Acid Reflux Main And Possible Causes

Causes of Acid Reflux – Knowing the Primary Reason for Persistence

Acid reflux disease is known as a regurgitation of acid from the stomach to the esophagus which can later lead to inflammation of the organ (esophagitis). This kind of abnormal condition is caused by too much intake of fatty foods and a constant practice of taking a nap, bending down, or lifting objects after a meal. These are all common causes of acid reflux. On the other hand, the most common symptom is heartburn. This is described as a burning sensation which can be felt from the stomach and slowly radiates to the chest and throat. These may be the common causes and symptom, but the persistence of Gastroesophageal Regurgitation Disease (GERD) might be secondary to existing health conditions or abnormal structures of body organs.
  Here are some possibilities.

1. First is the malfunction of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter muscles, which can be caused by drugs’ adverse effect or nervous system problems. This smooth muscle is responsible of keeping the pressure by closing and opening appropriately to avoid contents to come back from the stomach. Once the muscles in these area would loosen, the tendency is to prevent the sphincter from closing completely thus allowing acid entrance from the stomach to the esophagus.

2. Second condition that can contribute to persistence of GERD is impaired stomach nerve or muscle function. Impairment in the stomach causes problem in making the muscle of the stomach function consistently and continuously. It delays emptying of food thus may cause acid to regurgitate to the esophagus.

3. Third is Hiatal hernia. This is a condition when the hiatus, a small hole in the diaphragm is weakened or was enlarged and causes protrusion in the stomach muscles. This is usually common to older people ages 60 and above. This kind of problem can impair the function of lower esophageal sphincter muscle function. This can therefore increase the possibility of aggravating acid reflux attacks.

4. Last is the possibility that abnormalities in the esophagus cause GERD persistent recurrence. Recent studies had shown that hoarseness of voice, a feeling of lump in the throat and chronic cough are related to problems arising in the esophagus and causes a typical Gastroesophageal reflux disease. These conditions are malfunction of esophagus peristalsis and the adult-ringed esophagus. The latter is an abnormality which the esophagus develops many rings in it, thus causing difficulty of swallowing food. This is common to male than in female.

Acid Causes Thoughts

There are certainly various causes of acid reflux, and the first important step of treatment is identifying the main cause. From this, you can start a proper care plan on how to prevent GERD symptoms. It is useless to keep treating acid reflux, when the real culprit behind is not known. Most of the time, there will be relief once the primary abnormal condition is diagnosed and treated.